AJAY POTASH is a bio-fertilizer based on potash mobilizing bacteria.
It mobilizes the insoluble Potash in the soil and makes it available to the plant in an easily usable form.
Seed Treatment: 4 ml for 1 Kg of seeds.
Seedling Root Treatment: Use 100 ml in 10 litres of water.
Drip irrigation: Mix 3 to 5 Lit per acre
With FYM/Compost: 2tp 3 lit/200kg of FYM/Compost in sufficient quantity of water sprinkle & keep overnight then apply directly to the field.(for1 acre)
Cotton, Banana, Sugarcane, Grapes, Oil Seed Crops, Pulses, Fruit Crops, Spices, Tobacco, Vegetables and Horticulture Crops.