Package of Practice (POP)

What is POP?

Package of practices (POP) for Crops are farming practices developed by research institutes or agricultural institutes in a scientific way which increases the farm yield and reduces the input cost. Our Package of practices (POP) is made for the crops keeping in mind a scientific approach by Agricultural Specialists, adopting INM (Integrated Nutrient Management) and IPM (Integrated Pest Management) practices. Ajay Biotech with 30 years of rich experience, in all types of Agro-climatic zones through its DSIR-Govt Of India approved lab offers, Products in Plant Protection, Plant Nutrition and Plant Growth Promoter.


Sugarcane is the world’s largest produced crop. Biofix agricultural products are amongst first-generation products to be used to increase yield of sugarcane by reducing input cost.


Cotton is the most important cash crop of India. Overuse of chemical pesticides has led unresponsive pesticide-resistant pests. Hence cotton growers in India are using biopesticides instead of chemical pesticides. For better production and yield in cotton farming Ajay Biotech provides a better solution through its biofix range


Grape (Vitis sp.) is a commercially important fruit crop in India, it belongs to the family Vitaceae. Worldwide commercially important grapes varieties consumed mostly are, either table (for eating raw) or wine grapes (for winemaking). The use of biofix products is beneficial for producing superior export quality grapes by reducing the usage of chemical pesticides as well as juicy, healthy grapes for domestic consumption.


Orange is the most common citrus fruit grown in India. Biofix agricultural products are beneficial for chemical-free farming, which increases orange yield prevents pests and diseases in orchards and produces export-quality oranges thus, reducing the input cost.


Soybean is major crop in the world’s oilseed cultivation. Soybean is an important source of protein and soybean oil. Biofix agricultural products are affordable products to increase soybean yield and production.

Onion / Garlic

Onion and Garlic are famous in its use as spices to enhance the flavouring of the dishes. Biofix Agri-inputs helps in the overall growth improves the quality and yield of Onion and Garlic.


Tomato is an important commercial vegetable crop for farmers after Potato and Onion. The tomatoes have significant nutritional value in food nutrition. There is a sizable increase in acreage and production of organic tomato farming in which Biofix agricultural inputs plays a major role and thus minimising the usage of chemical pesticides.


Chilli is an important vegetable and spice crop grown throughout the year in the country. Biofix Agricultural Products helps to minimise the usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in chilli farming by improving quality and yield of the Chilli. A 30-40% increase in Total No of Chillies was observed after using Biofix agri-products.


Ginger and Turmeric crop are the member of Zingiberaceae family. The most extensively studied ingredients in Ayurveda are from Ginger and Turmeric. Biofix agricultural products enhance the crop productivity and quality of Rhizomes of Ginger and Turmeric.


Banana is second most important crop in India after Mango. Its availability and affordability, nutritional and medicinal value makes it favourite fruit in India. Banana fruits has good export potential wherein Biofix agricultural inputs are used to increase productivity, produce quality and yield in the Banana farming.


Pomegranate is a commercially high value crop grown in India and abroad. Demand in international market and exports for pomegranate is high due to its nutritional and medicinal properties. Biofix products helps in improving vegetative growth, enhances fruit size and improves quality and yield of pomegranates.